Dayal Yoga Group

Welcome to our Dayal Yoga Group. Let us guide you in discovering the world of Yoga. Our detailed sections can surely help you in understanding what Yoga is all about. We have Yoga Basics and Background, How to Get Started, Yoga Styles, Exercises, Postures, and Poses, Pranayama, Yoga & Meditation, Yoga & Health, as well as Equipment and Tools.

We encourage everybody to try and practice the Yoga Poses by yourselves at home or in the office. However, if you are feeling uncomfortable or are not able to complete a posture, do not push yourself. Yoga Exercise is not a competition, so just relax and try again. Moreover, do not try Yoga Poses which are beyond your capabilities. It will be helpful to actually sign up for some Yoga Classes where a professional teacher will guide you through each Yoga Pose and make sure you are doing the exercise correctly.

About Dayal Yoga Information

Benefits of Yoga -

Why Yoga Exercise is Good for You

Psychological Benefits of Yoga

Biochemical Benefits of Yoga

Exercise Benifits

Health Benefits

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